Why Don’t They Write Back?

Hi Tim,

You earlier showed interest in video creation for Muppetz. Haven’t heard back from you in a while.

Me and You can discuss and also plan more affordable + effective Video Strategies.

If there is a more suitable Budget, I can share examples that can be created within the same OR If there is a type of video you liked on our website, I can discuss similar ideas and budgets.


Be Awesome
Orko || Director & Producer
PH +18664483073

Is it ever the RIGHT time though?
Leaves fall from the sky this time of year, the hot air balloons come crashing down all around me while I scream internally “I NEED A VIDEO OF MY LIVER WEARING PYJAMAS”

Has anyone made a video of them eating a whole ream of A4 paper?

Now might be the time for us to shine!! I want to optimise my Search Engine Optimisation, are videos and sitemaps.xml meant to be deployed at the same time or should I work on my same origin policy?

Christ I love Videos,


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